Hands-On Math 2 helps students of any age who struggle with math. It begins where Hands-On Math leaves off, and progresses to tackle tough concepts like integers and fractions.
The Look at Math Instructor's Guide presents 120 lessons divided into three units: Numbers, Measurement, and Fractions. Each lesson incorporates the Look at Math Student Book plus a comprehensive set of manipulatives.
The Curriculum Plus includes
- 12 interchangeable number lines with corresponding number pieces
- pegs
- fraction dice
- Look at Math Student Book
- 10 consumable Student Workbooks
- downloadable digital resources, the entire page set of workbook pages as accessible GoWorksheets (iPad only), and samples of communication overlays.
Look at Math is heavily illustrated to help students grasp the concepts. The manipulatives, consisting of 12 interchangeable number lines and sets of color coded number pieces, make solving abstract problems easy. Together they encourage all students to participate and succeed at math.
Each of the 11 chapters in Look at Math follows the same 22-page format: Big Ideas, Vocabulary, Picture It practice pages, Story Problems, Quizzes, and a Challenge exercise. The Instructor's Guide integrates Look at Math pages with the hands-on number lines. The Guide also provides a USB flash drive with PDFs of the Look at Math book plus additional assessments.
- Includes 12 interchangeable number lines and sets of color-coded number pieces
- Instructor's Guide has 120 lessons with consistent 22-page format for Big Idea concepts, vocabulary, practice pages, story problems, quizzes, and challenge exercises
- An image library and PDFs for printing additional materials are included on a USB flash drive